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Full Version: Cross faction battleground queue
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Server should allow cross faction battleground queue'ing.  We already have cross faction battlegrounds so implementing cross faction queue'ing would not infringe on any lore or whatever.  Allowing cross faction queue'ing would allow for a more diverse and accepting environment. Players would be able to form not only better groups but also be able to play their favorite game (WoW Vanilla PvP) with their favorite people; regardless of faction.
This is an outstanding suggestion. It would open up a different avenue of players being involved together, instead of the random chance they have to be on the same team not being the same faction.
The only, lets say "down side" of this, depending on how you look at it, is those reckoning or decent ret paladins getting that Windfury buff xD RiP anyone not using plate Big Grin but other than that it would be really nice +1 from me
Yes please make it happens, I want to get an extra attack!!!
(03-31-2016, 03:14 PM)Devilsphobia Wrote: [ -> ]The only, lets say "down side" of this, depending on how you look at it, is those reckoning or decent ret paladins getting that Windfury buff xD RiP anyone not using plate Big Grin but other than that it would be really nice +1 from me

Those reckadins and arms warriors can already get WF.. if the bg has a shaman, the group leader is smart enough to shuffle the groups around, AND the shaman is near enough to the 2h'ers to drop WF.
Its stupid for it not to happen.

"b-but reckadin is OP"

People always acting like it cant be countered. Paladins arent immune to dispel stuns or purge. They have no slow. They have unreliable cc. Reck isnt magic. You know it procs off crits. We're gimp as fuck vs spriest and aff lock.

locks/mages can pump out MUCH more damage consistently AND they can reliably CC. I'd be much more afraid of a caster cleave then a few paladins.