RetroWoW Private Server Forum

Full Version: Add cross class Tier gear to the Tier vendors.
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Similar to how Tier 0 and Tier 0.5 are all ready available, make T1-3 available to use for all classes as long as they can use the armor type (cloth, leather etc.). I think this would be an interesting addition, allowing for more in depth customization for all classes and specs without adding completely custom gear to the server. These can be added to the current Tier vendors and prices should remain the same, and the only way to obtain cross class Tier gear would be with gold.
Oh yeah..... Bloodfang on the druid!! That will be one awesome tauren! Big Grin
Making Tier gear more readily available to all classes could diminish the rarity and prestige associated with obtaining these items. Players who worked hard to obtain their Tier sets like me may feel that achievements are devalued if these items become more common.
+1 this makes for a really fun addition to the server, also @joannaylor the gear vendors dont sell these items for free they each cost 20k pls play and learn more about the server before criticizing others ideas, to make 20k for just a single piece u have to win 33+ or lose 100 wsg matches, i assume this is what u are talking about being so hard for u or maybe u are one of those people who saved up a million gold cuz u never spent and went t0>t1>t2>t3 begging people to carry u for gear?, sorry if i sound stupid but ur the one saying gear is really hard to get on retro wow i started playing and got my full bis set in about a week